Not too long ago, ReaderKidZ received an email from Laura G. of Chicago. She had a suggestion for a book she’s enjoyed and felt others would, too.
Here’s what she said:
I am not sure if you have come across or read the picture book The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. Her books are beautifully illustrated and help kids identify and talk about feelings and behaviors. I’ve recommended them to our teachers as a way to facilitate conversations, especially with all the unfortunate and sad news that kids hear about. She now has beautiful prints of six emotions from the book. This may be something teachers would find helpful for their rooms or libraries.
We love hearing from our readers. Thanks, Laura!
How about you? What are some of your favorite kids’ book recommendations?
Great recommendation, Dianne! I hadn’t seen this one before, so I’ll definitely get it from my library. When senseless, violent acts like the Boston Marathon bombing occur, I pull out “The Moon Came Down on Milk Street” written and illustrated by Jean Gralley. It’s perfect for the youngest ones. Gralley wrote it to help children follow the advice of Mr. Rogers who said, ““When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
Thanks, Kristen. And thanks to Laura G. for the great recommendation. I’m not familiar with “The Moon Came Down…” but I’ve requested it from my library. It sounds terrific! Thanks, Kristen.