In Every Life

Beach Lane Books/S&S | 978-1665912488


There’s a truth about picture books that those who haven’t tried writing them have no experience with.

It’s this: Picture books are mysterious, elusive things that settle somewhere in our hearts. They are both deeply felt, and are like wisps that are barely solid enough to find their way to the page in full form.

Writers work to capture words that will birth illustrations that illuminate and expand to include all the wonder and light we have imagined – the essence of the story we mean to write.

And yet, such stories take time. Months, years, even decades.

In the case of Marla Frazee‘s newest, In Every Life needed 25 years for the perfect words to arrive, the ideal structure to appear, and the world to be ready to receive it as the gift it is.

It’s a book about birth and wonder, smiles and light, hope and doing, moments and mystery.


CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text and Illustrations by Marla Frazee
CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text and Illustrations by Marla Frazee

Beautifully written, illustrated, and designed, IN EVERY LIFE is an exquisite example of the best of all things a picture book can be, the perfect marriage of text and illustrations, a book to pore over, read and reread, and share with young and old.


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