Enough is…

978-0884489320 | Tilbury House Publishers

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “How much is enough?” As adults, we’re familiar with this concept, as it brushes up against us in various ways. For one person, it might be about enough pairs of shoes to match each outfit in the closet. For another, it could be about more tools or gadgets to make working in the kitchen or backyard easier. For others, it’s the question… “Do I really need one more book?”

For kids — and adults, too, if we’re honest — it’s a concept that’s always developing, as we all consider the differences between wants and needs, the practical, the extravagant and, even, our feelings about comparison and self-worth.

CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text by Jessica Whipple, illustrations by Nicole Wong

Like many things, understanding begins with awareness and questions like How much is enough? and How much is too much? It’s a big concept to wrestle with and explain to a young child, and yet, Jessica Whipple in her book, ENOUGH IS…, illustrated by Nicole Wong has done an amazing job of taking this abstract idea and making it concrete.

“Somewhere between a little and a lot, there is Enough.

It might be hard to spot, but it’s always there.

Sometimes you have to squint to see Enough past New and

Better, looking so bright and shiny. Enough is hard to recognize.”

This beautifully written and illustrated picture book is sure to open up conversations with children about their own experiences with enough and better, more and less, too much and Enough.

