Knopf Books for Young Readers | 978-0593306376
Every child is different. Some kids tend to be anxious, and others, not so much. Some of those worriers will, over time, learn strategies that help them deal with anxiety. BRAVE EVERY DAY, by Trudy Ludwig, illustrated by Patrice Barton is a picture book about such a child. When she’s worried, Camila does what she does best – hide. Her “what if” and “I can’t” worries sneak up on her whenever she’s at school. Her “I’m scared” worries visit her in the dark of night.

CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text by Trudy Ludwig and Illustrations by Patrice Barton
Camila does not feel even a tiny bit brave. Not yet, anyway. But soon enough, on the day her class takes a trip to the aquarium, Camila has a chance to face her worries head on…
“When the big day arrives, Camila tries her best to blend in and avoid all the scary things she’s imagined might happen in this new and unfamiliar setting. But then, she bumps into Kai, another child who’s carrying his own set of worries. He loves reading about stingrays, but is too afraid to meet them “in-person.” Will Camilla accompany Kai to visit the stingray exhibit?
As it turns out, her heart is larger than the fear that has haunted her. “I’ll try,” she says. It’s a first step, and it’s enough because it allows her to open herself up to taking many more steps towards bravery.
A perfect book for the child who needs to know that small steps of courage, taken one-by-one and day-by-day, can make a BIG difference.
- Educator’s Guide to accompany Brave Every Day.
- Listen to a sample from BRAVE EVERY DAY.