\Wordsong | 978-1635927627
“Keep an open heart
that’s where curiosity likes to start.”
— Georgia Heard
Entry to the Wonder House starts with curiosity. The first poem, by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, begins as a series of questions like those a child might ask …
Why do diamonds wink
and shine?
What is quartz?
What is lime?
What fossils still sleep underground?
How does our Earth
keep spinning around?…
A collaboration of poet/teachers Rebecca Kai Dotlich and Georgia Heard, this stunning collection invites readers into the rooms of an imagined house – a room of praise, a room of ordinary things. Rooms of time and place, quiet and imagination.
With each turn of the page, readers encounter luminous, mixed media illustrations by Deborah Freeman. And the wondering magic continues.
CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text by Rebecca Kai Dotlich and Georgia Heard, illustrated by Deborah Freedman
WELCOME TO THE WONDER HOUSE is a poetry collection like no other I’ve read. The poems beg to be read aloud, studied, and reread again. The illustrations slow us down, as we search for the connections of words and art, imagery, ideas, and questions.
Once you’ve finished enjoying the poems and art, treat yourself to this conversation with librarian, Betsy Bird, the authors, illustrator, and editor, Rebecca Davis, as each talks about the genesis of the book, the collaboration process, and the creation of the art.
Follow up the reading of WELCOME TO THE WONDER HOUSE with the Discussion Guide, prepared by the publisher.