Simon and Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books | 978-1665925372
Tomorrow is a big day because Grandpa is moving in with Claire’s family. It means changes for Grandpa but, also, changes for Claire.
“We need to look for a bigger table,” Mama says.
The problem? Claire loves their OLD table because it’s “just the right size for playing cards, homework help, and Saturday morning pancakes!

CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text by Robyn McGrath, illustrations by Ishaa Lobo
What if the new table they choose is too big? Will Claire be able to reach the pancake syrup? Will she need to shout across the table to be heard?
While the family dreams up all the things they’ll be able to do on their bigger table – crafts, puzzles, baking – Claire “wants to sweep all their ideas onto the floor.”
Why do things have to be different? This change won’t be as easy for Claire as for the others in the family. Their house “already felt like home,” and Claire can’t stop thinking about it.
Try as she may, her anger grows until “fists slam down” and “tears well up.”
“I miss our old table,” I tell Mama.
“I’m sure Grandpa is going to miss his old home too,” Mama says,…”But now we get to make room for new memories.”
THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE , by Robyn McGrath, illustrated by Ishaa Lobo is a tender tale of making room – for more family, more love, more memories.
DIANNE: Welcome to ReaderKidZ, Robyn! I couldn’t be happier to introduce you to readers and celebrate your newest book.
The bio at the back of your book mentions that you spend “countless hours” at your kitchen table, a hand-me-down from your grandma. Like your protagonist Clare, you love nothing better than time at the table “playing games, puzzling, and making new memories with family and friends.” What’s one of your favorite childhood memories from your family’s table?
ROBYN: Hi Dianne, thank you for having me. I’m so eager for readers to meet Clare and her community! Tables play an important role in all our lives, and dinners especially are a time to connect and recap about the day. Growing up I enjoyed spaghetti nights the most! While the spaghetti was delicious, I loved that my mom made us all wear giant bibs. (To protect our clothes of course.) And not just me, my parents also joined in. For me, those dinners represented being accepted just as you are. It felt silly to see grownups with bibs on, but I also knew that meant I could be a little sloppy with my spaghetti slurping, and no one would judge me.
DIANNE: Claire loves her family’s small, round table! The memories she has made, the food they have shared, and the conversations they have had. But things are changing and one of those changes will mean the family will need a larger table when Grandpa moves in. While Claire’s excited to have Grandpa live with them, she’s not too happy about losing the table that’s been the center of so many special times.
I’m curious – which came first? The idea of a story about a grandparent moving in? Or the story of the family table? What was the inspiration for THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM for ONE MORE?
ROBYN: Ah, great question. I had so much fun in the evolution of this story! It started out as a book about tables and all the ways in which we use tables: homework help, crafts, conducting experiments, and celebrations. But the more I tinkered with edits, the more questions I started to ask about the potential characters. Why would a family need to get a new table? What would they be celebrating? And who would be involved? As I was writing, my family was discussing what it would be like for one of my parents to come live with us. So, when I discovered the story would be about a grandpa moving in, I decided to name the main character Clare, after my own grandfather. The more questions I asked, the more the manuscript developed into a story with a narrative arc, character development, and a community with big heart.
CLICK TO ENLARGE © Text by Robyn McGrath, illustrations by Ishaa Lobo
DIANNE: There’s always so much more to the development of a story than meets the eye. Thanks for sharing that!
There’s a scene in this story when the emotion of all the changes bubbles up inside Clare and tears and anger spill out. It’s a pivotal moment that many kids will relate to. Tell us more…
ROBYN: Tables play a significant role in our lives. Family mealtimes especially have a positive impact on a child’s sense of self. When families gather at the table it fosters a feeling of security, inclusion, and togetherness. As a child therapist, I believe ALL feelings are welcome. It was important for me to show readers that the table is a safe space to connect, laugh, cry, or just sit in silence. In Clare’s story we see her experience a range of emotions. And when her BIG feelings overflow at the table, her family is there to support her. In the end, my hope is that more families utilize their tables as an opportunity to nurture their relationships and reconnect.
DIANNE: Yes! Nurturing and reconnecting around the table is a beautiful way to build relationships with family and friends.
Can you share what you’re working on now? What can your readers look forward to next?
ROBYN: Absolutely! Next up is my second picture biography, A MIND OF HER OWN, THE STORY OF AGATHA CHRSITIE. I’m very eager for readers to learn about the innerworkings of the “Queen of Crime!” And I have another unannounced picture book on the horizon for 2025. This one was inspired by the long summer drives to my grandma’s house at the beach. I think many readers, and parents, will be able to relate to those long-cramped car rides.
Thank you for inviting me to share my story with ReaderKidZ Dianne! I’m a huge fan of your books so this was a true honor.
DIANNE: Two new picture books! We’ll be looking for those in 2024 and 2025.
Thanks again, Robyn, for stopping by ReaderKidZ and for sharing some of the story behind the story of THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE. 🙂
Learn more about Robyn McGrath on her website.
Follow Robyn on social media:@robynmcgrathwrites (IG) and rmcgrathwrites (X)