Feiwel and Friends | 978-1250871596
Nai Nai is Lyn Lyn’s beloved grandmother. Each year, she crochets a special new hat for Lyn Lyn. Now she wants to return the favor and make a special hat for Nai Nai. But it’s not easy! Every time she tries, her stitches are too tight, too loose, or just plain weird. Lyn Lyn is determined, but still needs help.
That’s when she comes up with a plan. She’ll tell Nai Nai she is making a hat for her very best friend. Can Nai Nai help?

© text and art by Kim-Hoa Ung
Together the two crochet, and as they do, Lyn Lyn makes progress. Whenever she runs into trouble, Nai Nai is there to set things straight.
“Each time they met, Nai Nai would ask about the special friend. “Is she a good friend?”
“The best! She’s someone very patient and wise.”

© text and art by Kim-Hoa Ing
Kim-Hoa Ung’s debut, A GIFT FOR NAI NAI is a warm intergenerational story full of heart, and the reminder that “small things become great when done with love.”
Do you or a special someone want to learn how to crochet? Enjoy these video tutorials created by the author and learn to crochet the hat that Lyn Lyn made for Nai Nai!