HarperCollins | 978-0063234260
Do you see me as I truly am? Do I see others as they truly are? People, not only with needs and wants, hopes and dreams? But with histories, stories, a culture, and a color uniquely their own?
These are the questions posed by authors Valerie Bolling and Kailei Pew in their book, I See Color: An Affirmation and Celebration of Our Diverse World.
Cool like an autumn breeze.
Warm like the summer sun.
Steady like the night.
Rising like the dawn.
Beautiful like a quilt of
stitched-together stories.
I see color.

© words by Valerie Bolling and Kailei Pew © illustrations by Laylie Frazier
Each spread, beautifully illustrated by Laylie Frazier, shares the story of the actions and achievements taken by leaders whose work has had a large impact on the fight for representation, equality, and change in the United States.
From the authors:
“We want to recognize and celebrate the racial diversity and variety of cultures in our society by seeing each other completely, listening to each others’ stories, and learning how to create a more equitable world.
From the flap copy:
Part ode to an array of beautiful skin tones and part introduction to changemakes in US history, I SEE COLOR is an anthem for all generations. ”

© words by Valerie Bolling and Kailei Pew © illustrations by Laylie Frazier
- Notes from the authors as well as backmatter about the people and movements mentioned in the book are an additional resource for readers.