
Welcome Author-In-Residence, Pamela S. Turner!

Few subjects enthrall children, from reluctant to experienced readers, more than animals. Whether they’re the beloved fictitious animal characters created in novels, or the fascinating, sometimes horrifying, always mesmerizing animals children discover in non-fiction, animals hold an attraction that never palls. This month, ReaderKidZ celebrates books about animals by introducing our guest author Pamela Turner… Read more »

Pamela’s Story

I grew up in Riverside, California, in a town so smoggy that the sky was grey for most of the year. Once in a while it would clear up enough and…”Hey! There are actually hills behind all that haze! Who knew?” Riverside is not a very picturesque town. “Not very picturesque” means that if you… Read more »

Your Friend, Pamela

Dear Reader, I’m so glad you’re reading PROJECT SEAHORSE! I wanted to write about seahorses because I’ve been a scuba diver for many years. I love animals and the special thing about diving and snorkeling is that most underwater wildlife can’t figure out what you are, so they aren’t afraid of you. I’ve been in… Read more »

GIVEAWAY: True (…sort of) by Katherine Hannigan

We hope you enjoy reading Author-In-Residence, Katherine Hannigan’s newest book: True . . . Sort Of. Greenwillow Books is giving away ten copies! Please email for a chance to win! Include “True (sort of) GIVEAWAY.READERKIDZ” in the subject line. Read more about TRUE (…sort of) HERE.  For more about author, Katherine Hannigan, read “What’s Your… Read more »

True (…Sort Of) by Katherine Hannigan

Click HERE to enjoy a video in which author Katherine Hannigan talks about crafting characters that she cares about. Endearing characters rich with complexity, creativity, and heart. She describes them as owning distinctive troublesome traits and unique gifts that ultimately save the day. For example, Hannigan’s protagonist Delly devises her own language of solidarity – words that describe emotions and events… Read more »

Welcome Author-In-Residence, Katherine Hannigan!

TRUE (…SORT OF) by Katherine Hannigan Delly’s been told she’s bad for so long, she believes she’s no good. Brud Kinney can’t tell anyone what’s in his heart because of his stutter. Then Ferris Boyd comes to town and it all changes. Ferris is a girl with a secret so terrible, she doesn’t talk. Yet… Read more »

Katherine’s Story

I grew up in western New York with two younger brothers and all sorts of pets—cats, dogs, gerbils, a white mouse, fish, and guinea pigs. There was always at least one animal in our house, sometimes there were two, and every once in a while there was a multitude. My favorites were my gerbil, Nerbil,… Read more »