
Your Friend, Katherine

Dear Reader, I hope you’re enjoying reading True (…Sort Of) as much as I enjoyed writing about Delly, Brud, Ferris Boyd, and all the other characters who live in River Bluffs. Parts of my life sneak always their way into my books: my cat Lulu showed up in Ida B (as did my habit of… Read more »

The Grand Plan to Fix Everything

Among many of the instructional and insightful activities such as writing fan letters, dancing Bollywood steps, and baking yummy curry puffs described in The Grand Plan to Fix Everything Activity Kit, young readers are asked to consider the statement “How I Want to Change the World.” Like Dini, readers are encouraged to think about the world as… Read more »

Welcome Author-In-Residence, Uma Krishnaswami!

THE GRAND PLAN TO FIX EVERYTHING by Uma Krishnaswami, illustrated by Abigail Halpin Dini has been a Dolly Singh fan for as long as she can remember. After all, Dini was born on the very day Dolly’s first movie appeared on the big screen. “You can’t be more closely connected than that.” Maddie, Dini’s very… Read more »

Uma’s Story

I was born and grew up in India. My father worked for the government so we moved every few years. Now, when people ask me which part of India I’m from, I never know what to say because so many places were a part of my childhood there. I must have spent a lot of… Read more »

Your Friend, Uma

Dear Reader, I hope you enjoy The Grand Plan to Fix Everything, my story of true friends and fans, Bollywood dancing, letters flying back and forth, monkeys—and chocolate. Kids are always asking me what’s true in the book and what isn’t. So here are the true things: The house that Dini and her family live… Read more »

Welcome Special Guest, Liz Garton Scanlon!

NOODLE & LOU, by Liz Garton Scanlon, illustrated by Arthur Howard Some days are muddy rain-cloud ones when the grass seems greener everywhere but where we are. That’s how Noodle, the worm, feels from time to time. But lucky, Noodle! When he’s blue, he knows just what to do.  He calls on his best buddy,… Read more »

Liz’s Story

I grew up in the mountains in Colorado with my mom, dad, little sister, two dogs, two horses, two gerbils, and the occasional bird, snake, frog or fish. One time I actually took in a rooster but that lasted just one night. Did you have a best friend?  Who was it and why were you… Read more »