To watch two dramatic, suspenseful, and down-right daring webisodes – Lair of the Bat Monster and Curse of the Were-Wiener – featuring the antics of Ursula Vernon’s Danny Dragonbreath, his best friend Wendell, and cousin Edward click HERE.
A ReaderKidZ note of warning – Viewer discretion advised. After viewing Curse of the Were-Wiener one’s perception of the everyday hot dog lunch may be permanently altered.
If you enjoyed Nick Bruel’s BAD KITTY, then you will love the variety of activities he offers on his interesting website. Such great fun that you’ll want to return to his site over and over again.
To enjoy playing Go Cat Go!, the Bad Kitty Memory Game, and Bad Kitty Mad Dash click HERE.
Imagine finding between the covers of an (inexpensive, colorful) book, not just pages and words but a MYSTERY, plus a bit of the old boardgame, CLUE, and more – graphics, story, illustrations and taped messages.
In this Big Apple adventure, a class of sixth graders fly into NYC for a fieldtrip. Egg and Cat, with friends, Samantha, Anton and Gum, expected to suffer through a couple of boring days, but right off the bat – a robbery is reported at Ports Authority!
As the fieldtrip kids arrive at the Museum of Natural History, creepy people begin to appear – and again at the Hayden Planetarium. Right from the start, the reader’s job is to help solve the mystery. The adventures don’t stop on the last page…further investigations and games, puzzles, heroes, villains and more are but a computer click away at Just type in the Book ID and, even if you don’t yet have a Private Eye badge, you can continue to snoop, explore, and discover amazing facts!
Learn more about this great selection for reluctant readers, both boys and girls, HERE.
First meet Dyamonde, third grade girl with PLENTY of perky personality, good looks, and a very smart brain. But what she does not have is a friend. She has a Mom who is considerate, strict, and divorced. She has the problem of The New Boy. Worst of all, Dyamonde has the challenge of keeping her cool with the Three T’s: Tameeka, Tanya and Tylisha. The Three T’s have their own rules and definitions of who is IN and who is OUT.
Once a young reader has fun following the trials and tribulations of Dyamonde through a dozen short chapters, she will be on to the next book in this series (RICH), and the next and new: ALMOST ZERO.
Anna Hibiscus lives with her African father, Canadian mother, and her troublesome, rambunctious twin brothers. They live in Africa, in a contemporary city. Unfortunately, exactly where in Africa is never stated. Anna has a very large African family and they all like to visit. This series tells about Anna’s family life. The reader hears many of the same frustrations and funny interactions that are part of family life anywhere, but also aspects of THIS family life – such as the giving of gifts when someone visits, the showing of respect for grandmothers and grandfathers, and the mixing of traditional African ways with modern ways. An important strength of this series is showing how modern life and traditional ways can co-exist in this faraway continent. Anna’s stories bring Africa closer to home. The chapters can be read in sequence or as stand-along stories. The black and white illustrations are a delight. A fun series of early chapter books to be shared with a child curious about being a kid in Africa.
Learn about the other books in the Anna Hibiscus series HERE.
Click HERE to access a Discussion Guide to compliment Nikki Grime’s intriguing Dyamonde Daniel series. Keep the book nearby. You’ll want it to reference the questions asked.
Not only does the guide pose questions regarding characters’ emotional reactions, developing friendships, and various growing pains, it capitalizes on the reader’s own personal experiences, as well. For example, one series of questions ask if “…you have ever been curious about someone or something? Did you find out what you wanted to know?”
Freddie Ramos is a good son, a regular boy, and one especially busy hero!
In Freddie Ramos Takes Off, Freddie’s life suddenly changes when a box arrives at 29 G of the Starwood Park Apartments. Someone has given Freddie a pair of purple sneakers with silver wings. No ordinary shoes, these Zoom! Zoom! Zapato!-powered tennies give Freddie super speed.
In each subsequent book of the series, Freddie’s super powers increase. In book 2, Freddie Ramos Springs Into Action, inventor and Starwood Apartment manager, Mr. Vaslov, develops a wristband with an on/off switch and jumping Boing! power that allows Freddie to expand his superhero abilities.
In book 3, Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue, new silver goggles along with Freddie’s usual dose of smarts help Freddie solve the mystery of the purple squirrel and save a speeding commuter train from imminent disaster.
Jacqueline Jules has created a likable character that kids tackling their very first chapter books are sure to relate to. Freddie’s good heart, and readiness to use his Zapato Power! to help others makes Freddie the best anonymous super-hero Starwood Elementary has ever seen.
Read more about Jacqueline Jules, ReaderKidZ February Author-In-Residence, HERE.
When Freddie Ramos gets home from school one day, he discovers a mysterious package. Inside, he finds a pair of jazzy purple sneakers. An unsigned note accompanies the shoes: Zapato Power for Freddie Ramos. What could it mean?
Freddie soon learns that Zoom! Zoom! Zapato! power has its benefits. Not only can Freddie use his speedy powers to outrun a nearby train and lend a hand to a friend in need, but he soon discovers that his kind heart, positive attitude, and clever mind make his a super hero in his own right.
Freddie’s just the kind of super hero young readers will love to read about over and over and over again!
From Jacqueline Jules:
I work in an elementary school as a part-time teacher. This gives me the opportunity to hear and see many real-life things that go on in a school. One day, at a staff meeting, our assistant principal shared a story of a squirrel who followed a group of students into the school after recess. The door was propped open and the squirrel just dashed in behind the last kid. The administrator told the story to remind teachers to be careful about closing doors to the building. But as I listened, I came up with an idea to begin Zapato Power # 3.
“What a great first chapter for Freddie!” I thought. “Freddie could use his Zapato Power and run through the school after the squirrel.”
Since I only had a beginning to my story, it took me awhile to come up with a mystery involving the squirrel and a heroic rescue that tied in with the rest of the story. I did some research about squirrels on the internet and slowly but surely one idea joined with another until I had a beginning, middle, and end.
I spent my entire childhood in Petersburg, the small southern Virginia town I was born in. My mother was a dietitian from New York who loved the color pink. Most of the rooms in our house, except my sister’s and mine, were painted pink. My father was an immigrant from Switzerland, who loved to garden. Every summer, he plowed up the entire backyard to plant corn, squash, tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables. I spent long hours in the dirt, helping my Dad harvest and weed his humongous garden. Another favorite summer activity was playing with caterpillars. Hordes of them would nest in a crevice of one of our old trees. I spent hours watching those furry little guys crawl around in containers. Caterpillars walk with a fascinating wiggle.
This may sound like I was a tomboy, but I really wasn’t. I also liked to sing, swim, and dress up in pretty dresses. I didn’t see any reason why someone who played with caterpillars in the morning shouldn’t like wearing white lace socks in the afternoon. My sister says we were “tomboys in skirts.”
Some people love nature or animals. Others love sports or music. I’ve never been a “one passion” kind of person, except when it comes to writing. That has been my one overriding dream. In third grade, I declared my intention to become a writer, but it took me years to publish my first poem and many more years to publish my first book. Now I spend most of my free time playing with words instead of caterpillars. But while I write this, I wonder if those days of playing with caterpillars didn’t help prepare me to be a writer. While I enjoy being around people, I don’t mind being alone with my own thoughts. I like watching an idea wiggle across the page until it becomes a sequence of words important to my story. Caterpillars become cocoons before they burst out into the sky as beautiful insects with powerful wings. To write, you have to be comfortable being by yourself sometimes, to let your ideas grow until they are ready to fly on their own.
What kind of student were you?
I was a hard worker in school. My parents always made sure I did my homework and helped me study for tests. My mom, especially, helped me correct the grammar in my written assignments and taught me a lot about proofreadin
What were your favorite things to do when you were young?
I enjoyed reading and doing jigsaw puzzles. I also liked taking long walks along the pretty tree-lined streets in my neighborhood.
What were you afraid of?
I didn’t like big dogs who barked too loud or chased after me on the sidewalk. In those days, there were no leash laws and most dogs roamed freely in the neighborhoods. Not all of them were friendly when you walked by their houses. Sometimes, I would avoid certain streets, to avoid loud, territorial dogs.
Did you have any bad or funny habits as a child?
I bit my nails and chewed on pencils. I shredded napkins at restaurants. My hands were never good at staying still. They still aren’t!
Any defining moments (good or bad) that shaped you as a child?
Since my father was from Europe, he spoke with a foreign accent and wasn’t always familiar with American customs or figures of speech. Sometimes, I watched my dad struggle to be accepted in a small southern town with people who had lived there for generations. The experience made me sensitive to the feelings of my students, years later, when I worked in a school with kids who had been born in other countries. It inspired me to write my picture books No English, which is about two girls who find a creative way to overcome a language barrier, and Duck for Turkey Day, which is about a little girl who feels uncomfortable celebrating Thanksgiving with a traditional Vietnamese dish instead of turkey.
Did you ever do something brave when you were young?
I wish I had, but I can’t recall anything special. That’s been one of the best things about writing the Zapato Power series. I get the chance to imagine being a hero as I create adventures for Freddie Ramos and his magic purple sneakers.
Did you ever get into trouble at home or school?
I wasn’t always as nice to my sister as I should have been. In kindergarten, I went through an unexplained phase of knocking lunch boxes off of desks.
What books were favorites as a child?
I loved The Jungle Book, The Secret Garden, and The Borrowers. I also enjoyed mysteries.
Did you play an instrument? Which one(s)?
I took piano lessons as a child but never really learned to play. The instrument I used the most came from my own vocal chords. I loved to sing and still do. In high school and college, I took professional voice lessons. When I worked as a school librarian, I would always begin and end story time with songs. I enjoy making up songs and in author visits, I usually sing a song that goes along with one of my books. On my website, I have audio files with some of my songs, including “The Ballad of Freddie Ramos,” the song I wrote about my hero from Zapato Power.
If you weren’t a writer, what would you like to be?
Luckily, I am also a teacher and a former school librarian. I love working in an elementary school. My students are always giving me ideas for stories and characters.
What advice do you have for aspiring young readers and writers?
Take the time to examine your stories. Did you make everything clear for the reader? Did you put in enough details so the reader can see what you see in your mind? Did you put your sentences in the best order—grouping thoughts and ideas— or did you mention something in paragraph one and wait until paragraph three to explain it?
I teach writing in an elementary school and hold individual conferences with students about their stories. We often talk about the importance of remembering the reader. A writer’s responsibility is to give the reader the best story he or she can.
Where do you get your ideas?
I get ideas when I read, when I listen to my students talk at school, when I remember my past, and when I hear teachers ask for books on certain topics. Ideas are never the problem. It’s sitting down and turning those ideas into a story with a compelling beginning, middle, and end.
Do you write everyday? If so, for how long?
On the days I don’t teach or do a speaking engagement, I usually start around 8:30 a.m. and write until the afternoon, when I take an exercise break. After dinner, I usually work again until bedtime.
Do you listen to music while you write, or do you like silence?
I prefer silence. I like to hear the melodies of the words I am writing in my head.
What’s the hardest part about writing a book?
The first draft is the hardest for me. I love revising my stories once I know the plot. I revise my stories so many times I usually lose count. And sometimes, I work on stories for years before I get them right.
Guinea Pig by Miguel Benitez
Have you ever thrown a manuscript away?
I’ve had to put many manuscripts aside that weren’t working. Last summer, I picked up an idea I started almost twenty years ago and finally turned it into the story I always thought it could be. It will be my 23rd book!
Do you have any children or pets and have you ever used them in a book?
My youngest son and I had guinea pigs for several years. That’s why Freddie in the Zapato Power books has a guinea pig. His name, Claude, the Second, comes from a childhood friend who named her dog, Mickey The Second, after the first Mickey died.
Quick Picks:
Favorite stationary item? My stationary exercise bike.
Soup or salad?Salad
P & J or Mac and Cheese? Don’t really like either. I’m always on a diet.
Dog, Cat, Bird, or Fish? I’m a bird person.
Favorite or least favorite vegetable? I’m not a strict vegetarian, but I usually choose vegetarian options when I eat out. Years of eating my father’s homegrown vegetables, turned me into a vegetable lover.
Favorite or most hated subject? I don’t really like math.
Sourdough, whole wheat, white or rye? Whole wheat
Love revision or hate it? Love it.
Longhand or computer? Poems, longhand. Computer for longer pieces.
Early Bird Writer or Night Owl? I write in the mornings and the evenings. Whenever I can find the time.