The long cold nights, and bright lights of the holidays are upon us again.
We at ReaderKidZ love this time of year. It’s perfect for picking out delightful books for children, reading them in front of a fire along with a hot toddy, and then giving them as gifts.
This is also the time of year when we focus on all that we have, as well as what we can give to others.
So, as we’ve done in years past, we’re holding a…
ReaderKidZ December Extravaganza GIVE-AWAY!
We’re coordinating with Santa until the last week of December (when we go on hiatus) to send lucky winners copies of our favorite children’s books. Check back often and follow each post’s instructions to win. You know the drill, though. Only if you ‘ve been nice.
Starting today:
For a chance to win a copy of the 2014 Kirkus Young Readers Award-Winner, AVIARY WONDERS INC. Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual: Renewing the World’s Bird Supply Since 2031 by Kate Samworth—a beautifully illustrated, tongue-in-cheek look at assembling exotic birds in a world where species and habitats are disappearing—
Email us at: readerkidz (at) readerkidz (dot) com. Please put “AVIARY WONDERS Giveaway” in the subject line, and your name and address in the body of the email.
Dianne, Stephanie, Deb, Nancy, Kristen, Carmen, and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing in our love of literature for young readers, all year, and for stopping by when you do. We wish you a very merry, warm and bright holiday season, filled of course, with books.
Just in case you missed our interviews last month, Dianne White’s picture book, BLUE ON BLUE, illustrated by Beth Krommes, will be available wherever books are sold on DECEMBER 9th!
Ho ho ho!
Thanks to all who entered yesterday and we wish we could send everyone a copy!! Congratulations to Brenee Mitchell and Karen Jameson, our winners.